Live an Interesting Life
Delight in Creativity

Strange Angles

Strange Angles

Strange Angles

Stretch, study, discuss, manipulate, observe, sketch, provoke, experiment. There’s no wrong way to come up with ideas as long as you get started. Strange Angles features conversations with artists filmed on modern computers from timeless places like living rooms, kitchens, and basements. With each conversation, we explore the practice of creating art by learning how artists get started, produce works of art, and materialize ideas.

Join us on Facebook every day at Noon, May 18-22 as we debut a new conversation.

May 18: Kat Burdine
May 19: Sophia Weisensel
May 20: Kiel Mutschelknaus
May 21: Darcy and Tony Millette
May 22: Peter Reichardt

The full series will be available at at 6:00 PM on Friday, May 22.